Thursday, March 18, 2010

What art gives us

Moebius may be my favourite artist, or at least in the top three. I love his style. His subject matter is often surreal or science-fiction-like, almost magical - something that greatly appeals to me. And his use of line is terrific. There is always some sort of detailed bit that you miss at first, then discover with a small spark of excitement.

This is far from his best piece, but there's something about it that both draws me in and repulses me. It makes me a little uncomfortable to look at it, a jarring sense of impossibility, that sheer terror of falling. A concrete pterodactyl soaring through the sky? His rendition seems so heavy, as if it will tumble at any time, that I find myself unable to look at this image without feeling that heaviness within me.

Regardless, he is a master artist.