Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer plans

*Work as much as possible
*Renovate my room (walls, floor, accessories, furnishings)
*Party like a madwoman
*Get my ampersand side tattoo, maybe the second week of July
*Get my tongue web pierced (during the three weeks when I would otherwise have been in Ghana)
*Stretch my ears up to 1/2"
*Grow out my hair
*Wear as little makeup as possible
*Volunteer somewhere (not sure where yet)
*Get skinny (gym 3x+/week, restrictrestrictrestrict)
*Complete my owl series and my alien series
*Watch the World Cup
*Write and SEND a letter to Fatima, my sponsored child
*Figure out how lightbulbs work
*Research universities and alternate options
*Plan a volunteer trip for Winter Break - even if it means not going to France. Ask my parents after midterms in the fall.
*Maybe get my nose pierced?
*Go to WWOHP (I wish this was possible)