Thursday, May 20, 2010


ahh summer, the season during which the prefix for every verb is "get drunk and"

Oh yeah, my kind of person.

Happy birthday to me. It's not really seeming like a big deal to me for some reason, though. I mean, it's just another day. I don't suddenly feel seventeen; I've felt seventeen, eighteen even, for a while.

The years are passing so, so fast. I need to slow down and appreciate things more.

Emotions have been topsy-turvy recently. Tuesday was a veritable roller coaster. The day was great, and then I got home. Started thinking about the summer, about Africa, and how I just can't believe how badly I fucked up. Hysterics, tears. Long, long talks with Momma. This whole ordeal has brought us a lot closer, I think. The night ended with obscene happiness, though. I went out for a walk, had a few smokes, enjoyed the cool darkness. My mom might let me get a tattoo, another thing that made me happy. I think being sober has unfogged my mind, letting me really be happy. But of course I won't be able to stay like this, not if it means giving up weed. No chance. I dunno. Things are looking up, with boys, with friends, with parents, with life in general. Chalk it up to the warmer weather, I guess.