Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's hard when

your best friend is fighting the same fight you are. The girl who knows almost everything about you, who you can always count on. The girl who means the most to you, whose suffering rips jagged creases across your mind. It's hard when your heart locks and stutters to think of her troubles, while at the same time knowing your own are growing steadily worse. Shying away from the thought of her giving up while forging your own plans to do exactly that. As hard as it is, I wouldn't give her up for anything. It's just an odd double perspective I've got going on here.

Forgive my stumbling words and awkward syntax. My mind is muddled, messy, murky, and it's blocking things out right now. I encounter blankness when I try to think about this summer. My mind is trying to protect me from complete and utter collapse.

I need to find something else worthwhile. I feel like I'm standing at the rim of the world, looking back at where I used to be, teetering at the edge of a fall.