Thursday, May 27, 2010


Today, I realized I need to make a change. Because all I can think about as I sit here at work is, “Am I really capable of doing this for another 30 years?” MMT

Today, when I asked him why he preferred fiction to nonfiction, he said, “Because fiction makes sense.” MMT

Today, when she took her own life, I died inside too. MMT

Today, my brother looked at me through the prison visitation window, crying, and said, “I'm so jealous of you, and people like you, who can so easily say no to drugs.” MMT

Today I was diagnosed with cancer. Yesterday I retired after being ultra frugal for 40 years and saving diligently for my retirement. MMT

Today, he is the best man in my wedding. Nine years ago, on my first day in the office, he was the random guy I shared a laugh with simply because we were wearing the same exact tie. MMT

Today, with tears in my eyes, I told my father, “I don’t know who they want me to be!” He smiled, put his arm on my shoulder and said, “It’s not about being who they want you to be. It’s about being yourself and finding others who are okay with it.” MMT